Meditation On Chalk

There is a subtle distancing effect which our numerous online devices and other technologies foist upon our minds regarding the world of everyday objects. Left unchecked, we develop a disregard and disinterest in things and their nature, reflected in the disposable stance many ‘movers and shakers’ adopt towards articles of utility. But imagine if the surrounding world of objects could be reunited with their rightful depths of significance, qualities, and history! Suppose you had to think ONLY about a piece of chalk, to take a mundane example, for 10 full minutes. How difficult would it be, and what could be recovered?

finis - chalkdovercliffschalk 79centssmall visible plankton

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A-i-t-S 3B : Across The Lake

This is the final episode to be posted in my series describing personal experiences venturing beyond the veil of the obvious. It takes place in a wilderness setting in the autumn, in the northern part of Alabama. Look here if you want to gain an overview and rationale about the entire “Adventures in the Supernatural” series.

“People sacrifice the present for the future. But life is available only in the present. That is why we should walk in such a way that every step can bring us to the here and the now. Many people are alive but do not touch the miracle of being alive.” – Thich Nhat Than

CONDENSED VERSION: Lovers of brevity might feel relieved that years ago I expressed all of this in a haiku instead. 🙂

ACTUAL VERSION: Continue Reading.

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