Original Sin and Moral Deeds

I attempt to describe in a sequence of ordered aphorisms the understanding I have grasped over time from esoteric sources concerning the topic mentioned. I accept and believe these things due to experience, pondering, and various researches impossible to explain here. It is offered because I find this understanding relieves many, many confusions and stands in its own kind of light which will appeal to certain kinds of people. I cannot say I fully ‘know’ these things until I experience them myself in clear spiritual perception — but it comes near to knowing for me. Do not believe or disbelieve, rather live with the ideas and test them in life. Any errors are my own.

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Disputes Among Three Mirrors

Westernized Neo-Buddhism is eager at every opportunity to point out that Self is maya, an apparition, while the doctrine of no-self, anatta, is an early gleaned fruit on the path. I think this is both wrong and an incomplete interpretation. In truth, the conception of Self is evolving, and must do so more, especially now. This is the openly secret message behind the radical Gospel indication of I AM, most clearly evidenced in John. There are stages of I-ness which unfurl to the aspirant, qualities shed and cultivations added. A faucet spills liquid ceaselessly in a theater of consciousness. First we are the water; then with considerable effort we may become the faucet; perhaps later still the force of will which regulates the whole meshugina. But this is still only a beginning… Happy Easter!

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First you don’t see
this light within,
you intend it.

You make word flesh.


[ Image : I came upon this image within the past week or so, but cannot for gold, frankincense or myrrh recall where. If you’ve seen the source kindly tell me so I can acknowledge the creator. ] (link)

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when i was little, even tiny
then my loving was my looking
and when i knew something new
that was something like love too

but with time I saw that “I” saw
that I was he who sees his seeing
so now my love’s become hard work
that I am grateful for its being


[ Image : I somehow have misplaced which corner of the web where I located this wonderful watercolor… if you recognize it, please help me with it’s attribution, and I’ll ‘like’ you in perpetuity. ] 

Handy INDEX — scan through all available ||SWR|| articles